Shonen VS Seinen: Complete Difference

Shonen VS Seinen: Complete Difference (100% CLEAR)

Shonen VS Seinen: Today we are going to explain the differences between Shonen vs Seinen. Shonen and seinen are two terms used to describe manga and anime aimed at different age groups. Shonen manga is aimed at young boys, while seinen manga is aimed at older teenagers and young adults.  There are many differences between…

Big news!!! Crunchyroll Reveals Super Hero Film's outside Japan Screening Dates

Big news!!! Crunchyroll Reveals Super Hero Film’s outside Japan Screening Dates

Big news!!! Crunchyroll Reveals Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Film’s outside Japan Screening Dates Crunchyroll and Toei Animation announced on Tuesday that Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the second anime film of Dragon Ball Super franchise, will available at cinemas outside Japan on August 18. Opening dates are different for various countries – August 18…