
Summertime Rendering All Characters Powers Explained

Summertime Rendering is a time-travel, suspenseful, thriller, action, and supernatural genre anime written and illustrated by Yasuki Takana. Here our main protagonist Shinpe Ajiro comes back to his homeland after a long time to attend to his childhood crush Ushio Kofune’s funeral who died while saving a child from drowning but things are started to…

Black Clover Strongest Females

Top 10 Strongest Female Characters of Black Clover (Updated)

Today I am going to enlist the Top 10 Strongest Feamle Characters of Black Clover. Black Clover is a famous animanga written and illustrated by Yukli Tabata. It’s one of the most famous new-gen animanga. It’s filled with powerful battle mages & female characters I will enlist the 10 Most Powerful Female Characters of Black…

Mashle Strongest Characters 2023

Top 10 Strongest Characters in Mashle: Magic and Muscle (2023)

Today I am going to enlist the Top 10 Strongest Characters in Mashle: Magic and Muscle (2023). Mashle is a fantasy genre anime written and illustrated by Hajime Komoto. This story takes place in a world where magic is everything and people’s social status and everyday lives depend upon magic. In this first season, we…